SEPT 18, 2023 MUSIC ADDED TO Activate Radio

 Activate Radio

ADDS  SEPTEMBER 18, 2023  

American Beauties

Sunshyne p  
My Memories (Club Mix)

Tom "Satch" Kerans  "Silhouette"

Lost in that land of time, one silhouette in the moonlight, with a slinky, smart approach in the arrangement.  Very dramatic and compelling, with Sal Baglio and Jon Butcher in the WMWM listening to the song while it made its 91.7 fm debut.

Satch on WMWM 12:38 pm Saturday Jan 14 2023

Satch Kerans  "Out Here in the World"


Ⓐctivate Radio – Music Submissions

Activate Radio is now accepting submissions from Independent Artists and Bands to be played on Activate Radio. All music submitted must be your original and owned material, free of any samples that infringe copyright. Please state in your email with attached mp3, that the content is yours and owned by you, and that you are giving Activate Media permissions to use it freely. If your music is selected to be played, It will be listed on this page.  We are looking for many genre‘s and wish to exhibit diversity.

We do give preference currently to artists and bands in the Greater Boston area as this is where we are located!

To submit your music: Send an email with your music attached to

Please put Name of Artist and Location in the title of the email.

** All submissions must be made this way. PM’s and posts directing to a link will be ignored.

*** We do not own the rights to any of the music played on Activate Radio. Media marked (CC) is used via a creative Commons license. All other music is submitted with permission to play on the air.

New Music on Ⓐctivate Radio

—  We are in the process of updating everything here. We’re working on the best way to display both the music that has been submitted as well as the creative commons music.

Justine and The Unclean(Boston) – THE SIGNAL LIGHT

Rose Guerin(Boston) – Red

Kid Gullivert(Boston) – Stupid Little Girl

The Chelsea Curve(Boston): Top It Up

Stupidity featuring Keith Streng(Boston): Waking Up The Band

Greg Paquette(North Carolina): Pick Yourself Up

Walter Sickert (Boston, MA): Black Magic(Live)

Gaviiformes (Boston, MA): The Weather

Joe Viglione  (Boston, MA): I Thought About You

Mister Mason (KY): Demons

Ipd Green (Jamaica): LEVEL LEVEL

Matty-O – (MA):Rock Star

Angela Edge (AR): Monster

Pamela Ruby Russell (Boston, MA): Space and Time

Eddy Dyer (Lowell, MA): Heart Of Your Rage

Will Dailey (Boston, MA): Castle Of Pretending

Hope Alane (Western MA) Brave

AriBand (Worcester, MA) Shot in the Dark

Emily Grogan (Boston, MA): B.Good Times

Yona Marie (Maryland): I Gave You

Fire in the Field (Massachusetts): Tomahawk

Mobile Steam Unit (Massachusetts): Your Working Boy  

Double Star (Massachusetts): Thoughts and Prayers are not Enough

Joe Black (Massachusetts): Armageddon

Billy Early (CC): Cool Kids

OnNotice (Massachusetts): Daydream

EPP (CC): Fabrika Fukushima

Fire in the Field (Massachusetts): Eyes

Gillicuddy (CC): Springish

Glad Rags (CC): Social Kapital

Gnawledge (CC): _Calabazar_de_Sagua

Joe Playo (CC): With You

Keith Munslow (CC): Coffee Break

Noname (CC): Walking Back From Your House

Madame Rrose (CC): Bomba

Madame Rrose (CC): Despacho_Instrumental

Gnawledge (CC): El_Arte_de_Escuchar

Muson (CC): Musonda_Mwango-Ndimwana

Pauline_Drand (CC):  _Les_Vaincus

Pierce_Murphy (CC): Hey_Mercy

Rah_Digga (CC): Angela_Davis

SKRE_MAJSTOR_LJUBAN__UJO (CC): Ja_ivim_sam_jer

Sarah_Maison (CC): Western_arabisant

Seth_Power(CC): Who

Soft_and_Furious (CC): Green_Pig

The_Dogon_Lights (CC): Aneybara

The_Dogon_Lights (CC): Love_Is_Like_The_Sun

The_Dubwegians (CC): Too_Hot_Dub

Tle_Froide (CC): Autodtruisez-vous

Michael J Roy (Massachusetts): The Bright Side

KieLoKaz (CC): Boots for Seven Miles

Cosmo (CC): Strike! Occupy! Resist!

Ava Luna (CC): Past the Barbary23

The Olivia Tremor Control (CC): Define a Transparent Dream

Nobara Hayakawa (CC): – Trail

James Pants (CC): Coconut Robot2

J_Hacha_de_Zola (CC): Amaranthine

Glenny 417 (CC): Biskopsgrden Night Life

Ed Schraders Music (CC): I Think I’m a Ghost

Red Star Martyrs (CC): Employment dub Featuring Kontent

Red Star Martyrs (CC): Into the light Squidgy Black mix

Eva Schlegel (CC): Random Interlude

L  Sersoul (CC): Rojo Vital

Cullah (CC): Moonlove Funk

Rambler 1976 (CC): Under A Sky Which Was Never As Black
